
Head Over High Heels! TONIGHT!

 Tonight! I'm doing Manuel Caneri's show at the Burlingame Library! (Have I mentioned how much I LOVE the library? It's true!) Performances by Vanilla Meringue, Intensive Claire, and ME--followed by a brief q&a!! So excited!  And like most things at the library, IT'S FREE! Getting ready for tonight, but I will post again soon! For example: coming up in Sept-Oct-Nov, I'll be in a haunted experience called Terror Vault with Peaches Christ.  XOXO K

Single for a year

Today I’ve met a personal goal—to be single for at least a year.  I'd like to share about this. (Mind you, for the last 365 days, nobody has been banging down my door to date me—though I did have my “Sorry. I am not available,” speech prepared!) Since I was 15, I’ve been in one romantic relationship or another, with the longest time between relationships being around 3 months.  I’ve been in 2 relationships that were over 5 years long and 5 relationships that were over 2 years long.  I've had some really wonderful partners, but it was often the luck of the draw. I was casting a pretty wide net. A year ago, I had to end a relationship that was not healthy.  I was scared of a lot of things, including being alone. I had been finding my value through romantic love, which meant my value always fluctuated. I felt that I needed to change myself to become whatever the other person wanted me to be.  I now know that had the relationship not been so extreme, I pro...

Magnetic Lashes--What and Why?! New Make Up Your Life Video!

Hey y'all. Magnetic false eyelashes...I had so many questions about these--mainly "how" and "why?" Special thanks to Niki, who found these online and gave them to me as a gift! I'm a few days late of my goal of posting a video every week, but I hope people enjoy! I still haven't had a chance to really post any Easter pics yet, but I will get to that soon!  (Nobody is putting any pressure on me to do so, but myself.  The main significance of posting this blog is just for my own sake--to keep record of what all I'm getting myself into!) Love, Kate

Dolores the Movie on PBS tonight

I had the great pleasure of working on this documentary about legendary activist and feminist icon Dolores Huerta. It’s on PBS (their Independent Lense series) tonight (local times vary).  Below is the theatrical trailer... With Dolore With Gloria Steinem for "Dolores" With Hillary Clinton and crew for the shoot

How to Pay Off Your Debt -- Video Series!

I have a new video up!  It's the last video of my tips and encouragement for those who have debt to pay off! (For those who don't know, I paid off $48,000 in debt over the course of 3.5 years.  It was hard work.  Initially, I didn't think I could do it or that it would be worth it.  I did a lot of the hard work--reading books, blogs, listening to podcasts, going to 12 step meetings--and I want to share the best tools that I found!) I am not a finance expert.  Just a makeup artist, performer, and flight attendant.  Enjoy! Steps 4 & 5 If you haven't seen the other 3 videos... Here's step number 1 (How to face the reality of your financial situation!): Here's step number 2 (How to get motivated to pay off your debt!): Here is number 3 (Where to find free resources to help you learn about and pay off your debt!): Please comment, share,  and subscribe to my Youtube channel--that last one really helps me out b...

Greetings! Apparently, it's been a while...

Hi.  How are you? I'm well!  I'm not going to try to fill in the gap between now and my previous post, but I'm sure I'll do some FBFs and TBTs, when appropriate. The biggest change in my life is that I've been moonlighting as a flight attendant, which I absolutely love doing.  I'm still doing makeup, still performing, and also volunteering with  Shanti Project .   I've been making videos on everything from makeup, traveling, and debt payoff-- which will be my next post! Sending out love to y'all!  XOXO