Halloween, Eyebrows (lack of) and Central America

HOLA! I'm back from an amazing 2-week visit in Guatemala! I'm feeling refreshed and grateful for all my blessings and my mind is e-x-p-a-n-d-e-d. OK folks, I have some ideas that I'd been cooking up in my brain for months now and I'm ready to get started! FIRST is HALLOWEEN! I am currently booking Halloween make-up gigs! Anyone interested in a private make-up session please contact me. I am also looking to connect with anyone throwing an (adult) Halloween party with an entertainment budget. I do glam face and body painting--I'd also be painting some gore on your guests and I even do edible face-painting. I mix and mingle with my makeup on a tray like a dragged-out cigarette girl so guests don't have to come to me, I go to them. So please pass my info on to any interested parties if you know any! SECOND, I'm interested in your eyebrow stories. Questions, comments, did you ever shave them off? What is your technique for hiding the brows? Please send anyt...