Pretty Pretty (Look at You!) Xtra spooky for Oct 30th 3-5pm

Last month's Pre-Pre Halloween Pretty Pretty had me running between doing my own Pearls face and putting a nice juicy bullet exit wound on my little guinea pig--I mean, lovely assistant. We had a blast (--get it!?)
**New flash: The bullet wound on my assistant apparently made a woman scream at the BART station.
Anyway,... this Pretty Pretty is schedule for the day before Halloween, and I promise it will be just as gruesome as it will be glamorous!
Who will be my assistant this time? Just think, after the tutorial you can run around terrorizing as many people as you can for the rest of the day.
I'm accepting volunteers...
More details:
Pretty Pretty is a Cockettes'-style extreme drag make-up tutorial performed by "lady drag queen" Kegel Kater at shop diva Steven LeMay's vintage/costume/make-up/wig shop, Retro Fit!**
Ask all the make-up questions your heart desires as Kegel put on here face for the Cockettes' hit musical "Pearls Over Shanghai."
Eyebrow hiding and shaping
Hide your beard!--or stick one on
Glue almost anything to your face
Rules for make-up cleanliness
Drag talk
**(With 25% off for all make-up for tutorial guests!! And discount tickets for any available seats to "Pearls Over Shanghai" that same evening!)
Come one, come all! Please feel free to invite your friends! It's free-ish. Well, $10 recommended donation, but don't let lack of funds stop you.
Where:RetroFit Vintage - 910 Valencia @ 20th Street
Saturday, October 30, 3-5pm
Saturday November 20th, 3-5pm
And a few pics from previous Pretty Prettys:

Photos courtesy of Mister Wa and Steven Lemay
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