Eyelashes, Howl, Kylie and more drag makeup classes!
Lots going on folks. Apologies for not getting word out for some of these events BEFORE they happened. Still trying to get used to blogging on a somewhat regular basis. Anyway, here's a little rundown of events I was involved with this week. Thursday night, we had the reading of "HOWL" at the Cartoon Art Museum, hosted by Anna Conda, with readings by It was a reading of the legendary poem by drag performers and friends. Carl with Records did a short set afterwards. Haute Gloo had interactive name tags. Some photos and info can be found here . Totally groovy. Then, last night was Trannyshack Kylie Minogue night. I was in Raya Light's blacklit geisha/hooker, pasty-twirlin' number to the song "Nudity." Here's a warped photo by Emi! photo by Emi Stanley UPCOMING STUFF: A pretty extraordinary way to learn makeup (Photo by Brandon Norris) Experience my online drag queen makeup tutorial ! I will be demonstr...